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A syrup supplement supporting digestion and nutrient absorption. Designed for improved digestive wellness, it aids in breaking down food efficiently for balanced gut health.

Ingredients Enzyme Syrup
Packaging 200 ml
  1. Helps in neutralizing stomach acid and relieving indigestion.

  2. Supports electrolyte balance and proper digestive function.

  3. Aids in gentle detoxification and promotes regular bowel movements.

  4. Relieves gas and aids in smooth digestion.

  5. Helps in relieving digestive discomfort and bloating.

About Kmenzyme Syrup

A syrup supplement supporting digestion and nutrient absorption. Designed for improved digestive wellness, it aids in breaking down food efficiently for balanced gut health.

Brand: KMKN Healthcare
Packaging: 200 ml
Ingredients: Enzyme Syrup